
woensdag 8 september 2010

after the desert...

the jumping pillow on our next camping spot. we enjoyed it as two little kids!

seals spotting! once someone pointed us what we were looking for it was great to see some seals, lying on the water, 4 or 5 seals seemed very relaxed there while the water wasn't that calm.
we wanted to spot a whale as well.
we had met a guy there who knew exactly how to spot a whale, he even introduced us to a volunteer of the whale spotting community in the area. she made a phonecall to know where we could spot a whale at that time... unfortunaly that afternoon no whales where spotted in the area... what a bad luck!
next morning we came back. the seals where again at the same spot!
and now we could spot a whale, far away, too far to really see him. we only saw him breathing (the little water fontain that came up), we couldn't see the whale itself. but happy enough, we were ready to go to Adelaide.

the breakaways and the dog fense

the breakaways, in the middle of Australia, close to Cooper Pedy.
long, long time ago, the ocean used to be here (when Australia was still half covered with ocean). standing here we could imagine where the water used to be.

the dog fense: a very very long fence to prevent the dingo's (a kind of wild desert dog's) to go from one side to the other.

crocodile harry

Crocodile Harry's home (though he isn't alive anymore, he's still very legendary, just like during his life).
women from all over the world entered his "nest", left their underwear as souvenirs on his walls and ceiling... a weird man, with a weird house! an artist with a lot of humor and who couldn't live without womens attention I think.