
zondag 17 oktober 2010

honeymoon bay... here we had our lunch on our second daytour in Tasmania.

something wild wildlife sanctuary

this wombat liked to be petted, but only by the man who feeds him.

some real Tasmanian devils. they look small and kind of cute, but they can bite through bones (in the wild these are the animals that eat the dead bodies, so they normally wouldn't bite you if you come across one).

a baby possum, raised in the sanctuary since he doesn't have a mom anymore.
. another possum. grumpy animals that aren't social at all, so if you have them living on the roof of your house, you're likely to hear a lot of fighting possums in the night (which I had at the first 2 places where I've lived... can tell you, it's not funny at all!).
a sweet koala, happy because they came to get him so he could be touched by all of us (he climmed down to wait for the man to get him before the man even entered the cage).
the kangaroos at the sanctuary had a lot of space and where free to go, but choose to stay here.

zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

vrijdag 15 oktober 2010


our tourguide filling our waterbottles with the best water ever!
at the top of Mount Wellington
my German friend/ travelpartner Lili

let's go and do some rollerblading!

house of the vet in Hobart city.

on the move again!

the first part of moving. we could go with our bike on the train (only had to make it to the train, which was hard enough, ha).

donderdag 14 oktober 2010


Harbour Bridge. walking on top of the bridge is too expensive, so I was happy with the lookout tower.
Dave playing some music in the park (actually overacting at the moment of the picture).
Harbour Bridge.
Nadja (my Swedish cousin) and me, with the opera house in the background.

don't know why they dressed up the statues in the city, but it sure looked nice.

at the beach, with warm Sydney weather :).