
funny, interesting, weird... stories

London Bridge:

This is called "London Bridge" and used to be connected with the mainland (part you see on the left).
Some years ago (I think in 2005) some people walked to the end of the "bridge" like everyone was allowed to. Until someone heard rocks cracking and people ran back to the mainland. However 2 people got stucked on the right part and couldn't go back since the connection of this part and the mainland just felt into the ocean. (as in a miracle nobody got hurt).
Since the rescuehelicopter pilot decided after hearing what happened that these 2 people were save, he let them wait since he had something else to finish first (no emergency, he just didn't see the point of hurry and get them off).
That's why the newshelicopter arrived first (eventhough that one came from Melbourne, one hour flight and the rescue helicopter was only 10 minutes away). The 2 people covered their heads and made themselves really small, didn't want to be filmed at all!
Nobody really understood until the story got out: these 2 people were both married, but not to eachother, they both told their partners they had a businessmeeting or something in the city and took off for this trip... London Bridge collapsing down revealed the true story and like our guide said, mother nature decided to get their cheating known by this accident.

Ha, amazing how just these 2 people got stucked on that part of the bridge and how the newshelicopter arrived first and so finally got the real story.

A new page for crazy stories:
On every trip there are some crazy stories told by tourguides. I thought this should be the place to write down and share the most amazing once. Though I am not really going to translate all these stories in Dutch since I hope most of my Dutch readers can read English as well. (If however you're having problems to understand, let me know and I will give you the story in Dutch if you're interested).